Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Experiencing acceptance, life and joy.

Wishcasting Wednesday

Today Jamie asks, "What do you wish to experience?"

hmmm....that is a very good question with many answers. The first thing that came to my mind is healing. So I asked myself, "how can I experience healing?". The answer was a whisper. Acceptance. Not the kind of give-up acceptance, but the acceptance of faith. The acceptance of letting go and being at peace. Letting go of the things I cannot and never will change. Accepting with open arms who I am and loving that girl. Allowing life to unfold. To learn. To live.

To live! To experience life. All of life. What fun! What joy!

To experience joy. Working with Jamie on "The Joy Diet" has made me acutely aware of all the joy there is in life. The little things we take for granted and/or ignore. The things that make us smile and our hearts sing. Those are the things that have jumped to the top of my "to-do" lists. They are my priorities. They are my faith, my family, my friends. It is my creative energy. The energy that fuels my day. It is who I am.

What do you wish to experience?

I am wishing that for you.


  1. As Christa wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well!

  2. As Christa wishes for herself so do I full heartily wish for her also. Those are great wishes...something I too am trying to do more and more is doing what I really love doing and to Hell with all the rest...things will get done, all in good time.

  3. As Christa wishes for herself, so do I also wish for her with all my heart!


  4. To faith.
    As Christa wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well!

  5. Great posting, Christa, I really wish you all the joy you deserve. (Everyone does!)
    Take care!

  6. As Christa wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. May it be so.
    May you always have faith and joy in your life.

  7. As Christa wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  8. As Christa wishes for herself, I lovingly wish this for her also!!

  9. As Christa wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

