I've been busy! In a good "I've been doing alot of quilting" busy! One of my new years resolutions was to start to become a person who finishes things. This is something that I fall way short on. I am great at starting. All the planning, the excitement! Then, low and behold, I get distracted. I get drawn to the next project, next idea, next best shiny thing! And then...there things sit. Neglected. Unfinished.
I don't know about you, but I HATE picking up a project I started months...ok...years ago! I have no idea where I left off. What my plan was. What to do next. It's so stressful! So then I let it sit some more.
Well! Not this year. I dug out all my unfinished quilts! Wow. I had a few surprises.
This quilt:

When I dug this out of my pile I had absolutely NO recollection of ever making this quilt. None. Oh boy. And to top it off....it's finished! Well, at least the top is finished which means "finished" in my book. I had to think, and think, and think some more. Then I pulled out my files to jog my memory. This was a block of the month quilt I did back in 2003!! It started to come back. I think it was just the shock of the fact that it was finished that thru me! Now I just need to have it quilted. Joy!!
Next up, this quilt which I talked about before:

This picture doesn't even show it completed up to date. I have all the log cabins together and I just need to shop for border and backing fabric. Yeah!!
Then there was this quilt:

This was a Jacob's ladder quilt that I started in, dare I say, 1995. Yes, 1995. When I originally started the quilt I had some different fabrics that I replaced with the rust fabric I used. I didn't like it. So, I didn't finish it. When I pulled it out I had one border on and the other three cut. That's it! So close, but still unfinished. I was amazed that I found the borders. Sometimes I posses organizational skills that I don't know I have. So, I sewed them on. Finished!! Now I kinnda like it. Who knew?!
I also finished the lap quilt top that I pictured before AND got all four borders sewn on. I don't have a picture to share right now. This is a quilt that I'm going to try my hand at machine quilting in the near future.
So, in conclusion, I vow, to TRY very hard to not leave another quilt unfinished. Girl Scouts honor. It's just too much pressure picking up where I leave off!
Life is good.